The polyphonic womb


duration: 21:31

in collaboration with Raffia Li, Iga Świeściak, Dorota Tučková, Mariana Hradiková
and Rebeka Maxová

The artist’s new multi-chapter work merges polyphonic songs with poetry and theory through a collaboration with artists, dancers, performers and musicians. It presents the womb as a site of polyphony and constant sound resonance, investigating the political dimensions of listening in order to overcome the hierarchies between what we perceive as a message and noise. It further interweaves the stories of fluid bodies – the body of a dead river, standing for the dying ecosystems, and the female, trans and queer body subjected to exploitation by capitalism and reproductive control by the heteronormative, particularly ultra-Christian, patriarchy. Conceived as a song for the human animal and more-than-human species, signing and sighing is pouring out as a liquid from an open wound, and as an exhalation in the process of learning through listening.

text by Rado Ištok